Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “A believer’s natural disposition might comprise any trait other than treachery and untruthfulness.” [Ahmed]
In the following story we have a beautiful example of the honest character of a believer (Momin). Ibraheem bin Adhem was the king of Balkh before he exchanged his kingdom for the life of an ascetic worshipper.
One day Ibraheem bin Adhem was working as a gardener when his master asked him to give him some pomegranates. He brought several, but they were all sour. His employer said, “You have been in my employment for such a long time, and yet you do not know which of the pomegranates is sweet?” Ibraheem answered, “I was employed to tend them, not to taste them; then how can I know which ones are sweet?”
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