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Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him & his progeny) Said:

The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him & his progeny) Said:

1) Four things that make your body sick:
a) Excessive talking
b) Excessive sleeping
c) Excessive eating and
d) Excessive meeting other people

2) Four things that destroys the body:
a) Worrying
b) Sorrow (Sadness/Grief)
c) Hunger
d) Sleeping late in the night

3) Four things that dry the face & take away its happiness:
a) Lying
b) Being disrespectful / impudent (insisting on something wrong knowingly)
c) Arguing without adequate knowledge & Information.
d) Excessive immorality (doing something wrong without fear).

4) Four things that increases the wetness of face & its happiness:
a) Piety
b) Loyalty
c) Generosity (being kind)
d) To be helpful to others without he/she asking for that.

5) Four things that stop the Rizq (Sustenance):
a) Sleeping in the morning (from Fajr to sunrise)
b) Not Performing Namaz or Ir-regular in Prayers
c) Laziness / Idleness
d) Treachery / Dishonesty

6) Four things that bring / increase the Rizq:
a) Staying up in the night for prayers.
b) Excessive Repentance
c) Regular Charity
d) Zikr (Remembrance of Allah / God).

The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him & his progeny), Also said to communicate to others even if you listen One Verse (Ayah) & this one verse will stand on the Day of Judgment for intercession.

The Holy Prophet (SAW) said, Stop doing everything during the Azaan, even reading the Quran, the person who talks during the Azaan will not be able to say the Kalima AShah ad a on his/her death bed....

Please pass this message to Muslims... READ THIS DUAA FOR BETTER LIFE Allahumma- inni- ala- Zikr-ika -wa Shuk-rika wa husni-ib ad -atika A very powerful Dua'a has been sent to you. What do you think you should do with it? Imagine if 1000 people read it just because of you.


Have a blessed Ramadan ahead

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Rewards for Women in Islam

  • A single pious, practicing woman is equal to 70 saints (aulia ekraam )
  • A single bad (evil) woman is equal to 1000 bad men
  • Two rakaats namaaz of an aalimah woman are better than 80 rakaats of ordinary women
  • A breastfeeding woman gets one good for each drop of milk that is fed to the child
  • When a husband comes home full of worries and the wife extends warm welcome to him and consoles him; she receives the reward of half jihad
  • A woman, who is deprived of sleep owing to her child crying at night, receives the sawaab of freeing 20 slaves
  • When a husband and a wife look at each other with love and affection, Allah Paak himself looks at both of them with love and affection
  • A woman who sends out her husband in the path of Allah and stays at home by herself, maintaining her honour and dignity ( i.e. protecting her against temptation and dishonesty) will enter jannat 500 years before her husband while 70,000 angels and hoors will serve her. She will be given ghusl in jannat and sitting nmountains of pearls, she will await the arrival of her husband
  • A woman who is rendered restless owing to the illness of her baby and yet kept on striving to comfort the baby, Allah Talaah forgives all her sins and gives her thesawaab of 12 years accepted in ibaadat
  • While milking her animal (cow, goats, ect), if a woman makes the zikr of bismillah, that every animal makes dua to Allah Taalah on her behalf
  • When a woman makes the zikr of bismillah while preparing the dough (for roti), her livelihood is increased ( i.e .. she receives barakat in her rozi)
  • When a woman makes zikar while sweeping, she receives the sawaab of sweeping baitullah
  • A chaste woman who is mindful of namaaz and roza, also makes khidmat for her husband, for her all the 8 doors of jannat are opened. She may enter from whichever doors she likes
  • The namaaz and ibaadat of a woman disobedient to her husband do not reach heaven
  • Every night of an expectant mother (a woman who is carrying a baby in her womb) is counted as spent in ibaadat and every day as spent in fasting
  • A woman receives the sawaab of 70 years of namaaz and roza on giving birth to one child and the pain she suffered in every vein of her body while giving birth, for that she will receive the sawaab of one hajj
  • If a woman dies within 40 days after giving birth, Allah Taalah gives her the status of shahaadat ( i.e . she dies as a shaheed)
  • Upon the child crying at night, if the mother feeds the child (gives milk to the child) without cursing, she receives the sawaab of performing namaaz for one year
  • When a child finishes the period of breast-feeding, an angel comes and gives glad tidings (news) to the mother that Allah has made jannat wajib for her
  • When the husband comes home to sleep and the wife gives him food to eat (not being involved in dishonesty with regard to herself and her husband's belongings), Allah Tallah gives her the sawaab of 12 years of ibaadat
  • When the wife presses the legs of her husband without asking him, her to do so, she gets the sawaab of giving charity 7 ounce of GOLD, and if she presses his legs after he asks her to do so, she receives the sawaab of giving 7 ounces of SILVER in sadaqua
  • When a woman's husband dies while he was happy and pleased with her, jannat becomes wajib for her
  • A husband's teaching one masla to his wife is equal to 80 years ibaadat
  • In jannat people will go to visit (see) Allah Taalah, but Allah Tallah himself will visit (to see) the woman who has observed PARDAH while in dunyah
  • Woman who wears thin garment (transparent, see-through garment) or who arouses passion in men, or meet men they are not allowed to mix or move about openly while heavily made up or who live without pardah, will never enter jannat. In fact they will not even smell the fragrance of jannat
  • A woman who has undergone a great amount of suffering and difficulties in this world will be classified with hazrat Aasia ( r.a). She was the wife of the firaun (pharaon) who despite the fact that she was his wife, tortured and persecuted her, to renounce Deen and Imaan. She gave her life in the process ( i.e. she died of the punishment inflicted to her), but did not forsake Imaan
  • Every single woman going to hell will take four (4) jannati men. Because they did not fikr nor had they cared in duniya about the Deen and Imaan of that woman and did not teach her Deen, these four men will be:
    · Her father
    · Her brother
    · Her husband & Her son

If woman glances at men she is not allowed to see according to the shariat, Allah Taalah sends his curse upon her, just as it is forbidden for a man to glance at women he is not allowed to see.

May Allah give every Muslim men & women HIDAYA to stand by Islamic Rules and keep far away from the sin.Inshallah

Prayer Times in Singapore

Salaam to Brothers and Sisters in Islam,

Below is the link to the prayer times in Singapore for the year 2008 (courtesy of MUIS). Click here for the link to that table.


Ahhhh!! so busy!

i've been pretty busy with things that i really couldn't get time to blog.And now with ramadan coming up, probably i'd have religious thoughts and philosophies pouring out from my mind ( thats because i'd be too tired fasting that i can ever do anything else!). Alright, jokes apart.. i attended a talk on Jihad recently. It was pretty informative and i learnt alot of things that made me go...'i didnt know that!! '. i hope to share that knowledge with you all asap. Insyallah. i welcome articles for the ramadan and also plan to get readers to subscribe to some courses that insyallah, i will arrange for. If God wills, i hope more and more people would be able to benefit from this simple effort. Do let me know if you would like to post articles. :) Till i get back with another post, take care all.Wasalaam

Monday, August 11, 2008

Nisfu Sha'baan prayers

Monday, August 4, 2008

Fiqh for Ramadhan - by Darul Arqam

A course in Fiqh that is exclusive to the month of Ramadhan, focusing on the aspects of Fasting, Zakat and the Ibadahs encouraged during this month. It is delivered over 4 sessions of 2 hours each.
Please click here for the course synopsis
Click here for the course availability
For more information please contac us at Tel: 6348 8344 ext 38, 39 or 35

Lecture by Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

AS-SHAFA’AH AL-KUBRA - A Morning of Divine Devotions
Date: Sunday 24 August 2008
Time: 9 am to 1.30 pm
Venue: The Arab Association
Program: Lectures, Qasidah, Poetry Recitals
Lectures by: Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, Habib Hassan Al-Attas, Ustaz TM Fouzy, Ustaz Jalaludin Hassan, Ustaz Fahrurazi
Performances by: Haqqani Malaysia Ensemble, Jainul Abidin, Art Fazil, etc

About Shaykh Hisham Kabbani: Born into an eminent family of religious scholars in Beirut, Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Al-Kabbani is a world renowned Muslim scholar, author, and lecturer. He is Chairman of the Islamic Supreme Council of America. His mission is to spread the peaceful and beautiful Islamic teachings of the brotherhood of mankind and the Unity of belief in Allah. His arduous spiritual training of 40 years has endowed him with the sublime qualities of wisdom, light, intellect, and compassion. [Click here] for a detailed biodata of Shaykh Hisham Kabbani.

Islamic Way of Life

Islam provides definite guidelines for all people to follow in all walks of life. The guidance it gives is comprehensive and includes the social, economic, political, moral and spiritual aspects of life. The Quran reminds man of the purpose of his life on Earth, of his duties and obligations towards himself, his kith and kin, his community, his fellow human beings and his Creator. Man is given is left with the challenge of human existence before him so that he might put these high ideals into practice. In Islam, man’s life is a wholesome, integrated unit and not a collection of fragmented, competitive parts. The sacred and secular are not separate parts of a man: they are united in the nature of being human.

Source: WAMY-Series on Islam No.1