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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ahhhh!! so busy!

i've been pretty busy with things that i really couldn't get time to blog.And now with ramadan coming up, probably i'd have religious thoughts and philosophies pouring out from my mind ( thats because i'd be too tired fasting that i can ever do anything else!). Alright, jokes apart.. i attended a talk on Jihad recently. It was pretty informative and i learnt alot of things that made me go...'i didnt know that!! '. i hope to share that knowledge with you all asap. Insyallah. i welcome articles for the ramadan and also plan to get readers to subscribe to some courses that insyallah, i will arrange for. If God wills, i hope more and more people would be able to benefit from this simple effort. Do let me know if you would like to post articles. :) Till i get back with another post, take care all.Wasalaam

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