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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Salaah ( Prayer)

Salah (The ritual prayer of Islam) If a person really believes in Allah (God), how will he show it? And how will it affect his life?

For a Muslim, his faith is first demonstrated by the five daily ritual Prayers called Salah. These Prayers are obligatory for all, and they are the first thing the Muslim will be asked about on Judgment Day.

Five times a day a Muslim is asked to stop whatever he is doing - be it sleep, work, or play - and make a ritual ablution before facing his Lord in Prayer. No matter what his actions, the most important thing to a Muslim is his relationship with Allah. This relationship is demonstrated and put into practice, as well as improved and increased, by the ritual Prayers. Only if the Prayers are sound and proper will the deeds be sound and proper.

In the Prayer, the Muslim faces towards the Ka'bah in Makkah, the symbol of the Oneness of Allah and the unity of Muslims. He stands, bows, and prostrates to his Lord while praising Him, reciting some of the words He revealed in the Qur'an, and asking for His forgiveness and mercy. In doing so, the Muslim reminds himself of his position in the universe as a humble servant of Allah and of his total dependence on his Creator, Cherisher and Sustainer.

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