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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Does the Quran say that all Kafirs should be killed?

Today, Islam is the most misunderstood religion in the face of the earth. Let me tell you a clear explanation of the ,(Surah Al Tawbah ,Chapter- 9 ,Verse -5)

Which says as follows:-
“So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.”(Quran 9:5)

One of the famous critics of India, Arun shoury, He wrote a Book called
”World of Fatwa” and he quotes the Quran from: SURAH Al TAWBA Chapter:- 9 ,verse number:- 5 and says as below:-

In his book ,it says as follows
{Quran says : “Wherever you find a kaafir *(Hindu),You kill him, You wait for him in every stead before”}

*Kaafir means an “Unbeliever” but inorder to provoke them he writes as Hindus.

Imagine If a innocent Hindu reads his book they will believe what he said in his book and immediately there would be a reaction then the person would start going against Islam, The problem is that selected few people for there own motives because of there writings and quote the same verse, Which is quote by the Orientalists and after quoting “verse number 5”, He jumps to “verse number -7” Directly,

Any intelligent person can understand why he skipped one verse , “Verse number -6” has the key to reply to what he had quoted from "verse 5"
Infact if you read the Surah tawbah the first two verses talks about the Peace treaty between the Muslims and the mushriks of Makkah ,This peace Treaty was unilaterally broken by the mushriks of Makkah ,By the time, Almighty God reaches the verse number -5,He says in the battlefield “Wherever you find your enemy (Kaafir means the unbeliever, The enemy) you kill him”, IT IS IN THE BATTLEFIELD
If anyone takes out of contest, It would sound absurd,

Imagine a few decades earlier, There was a war between USA and Vietnam and if the army general of USA tells the American soldiers in the battlefield “My soldiers don’t be scared where ever you find a Vietnamese, You kill him”-It is said to boost up the soldiers, but if today someone quotes that the Army general of America said to kill the Vietnamese ,It would be foolishness,

Those verse are taken out of contest and quite natural any army general to boost up the moral, They will tell to support there solders, Similarly Almighty god says in the Quran ,when the enemies come to kill you ,Don’t get scared, You kill them, So what’s the harm in it?

And see the next verse -6 (Which arun shoury skipped) says-“If the unbeliever, if they seek silence if they seek peace, Escort them to a place of security, So that they may hear the word of Allah”

See the beauty of the Quran, The Quran did not tell them to “go AWAY TO SOMEWHERE if they want peace” .Quran says to “ESCORT them to a PLACE OF SECURITY.”

Today the most generous Army general would tell “If the enemy want peace let them go”. Which army general would say “Escort them to a place of security, But this is what the Quran says!!

"whosoever killed a human …………., it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whosoever saved the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind" [Quran 5:32]


Anonymous said...

Islam started as somethin strange n will endup as somethin strange

Unknown said...

Mr Shiva Prasad,
I dont know why are you here, may to find some answers to questions raised by terrorist Hindu oranisations like RSS, VHP, BJP and Bajrang Dal. You don't you want to understand why that verse was sent. The person who initiated the post tried to explain that the killing was only related to that battle field in which Nonmuslims broke the treaty. IF muslims were like that then just Imagine we ruled India for 800 years. bring one incident like what happened in Gujrat where muslims were masacared. Bring one incident like what happened with muslims in Spain. First your politicians kill and rape muslims and then when there is a retaliation you say they are terrosist. go check what happened in Gujrat. The prime minister who was chief minister of Gujrat at that time gave free hand to hindus to kill and rape and destroy muslim properties. they were so well planned that they came with voter list to kill muslims. Common if muslims wanted to kill you people they would have done when they ruled the country for 800 yrs. check the histroy. who dropped nuclear bomb on civilians, who invaded afghanistan, who invaded muslim countries for petrol. go check first who begin terrorism in the world first and then blame muslims.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember Gajni who havocked in Gujarat and India - how many times?
Does anyone remember Nadirshah? What did he do in India?
What happened to all those laborer who worked on Taj Mahal? 2000 folks their hands were chopped so they can not build another
beautiful building.
Talking about killing Muslims in Gujarat-bad it happened! Did any Muslim, till today has expressed any sympathy for a
Bogie of Hindu religious folks burned alive - the precursor for Gujarat riots?
If Islam is a peaceful religion than why don't you teach that to terrorists, ISSIS, and all violent Muslims.
In Afganistan a 200 feet high statue- century's old- was demolished - why because Islam is a tolerant religion?

You want to teach West and Asia that Islam is a peaceful religion. Islam now is 1400 hundred years old!
Give 14 leaders who worked to create peace?..???????????

Anonymous said...

The explanation is ambigious. 1. Comparision of US war stage of vietnam. The war of Viatnam was managed by army generals and were not fighting on religious ground and NO GOD came to Generals and wispered a sura like QURE-ON 9.5... The evasive excuse of 9.5 as waf cry (?) whereas the 9.5 was during a NO WAR period. The one who tries to explain the context is in fact tries to hide the real purpose and explanation of 9.5. This is called the application of TAKIYA, TAWRIA AND KITMAN PRINCIPLES by the muzxies to suit their convenience.

Anonymous said...

The explanation is ambigious. 1. Comparision of US war stage of vietnam. The war of Viatnam was managed by army generals and were not fighting on religious ground and NO GOD came to Generals and wispered a sura like QURE-ON 9.5... The evasive excuse of 9.5 as waf cry (?) whereas the 9.5 was during a NO WAR period. The one who tries to explain the context is in fact tries to hide the real purpose and explanation of 9.5. This is called the application of TAKIYA, TAWRIA AND KITMAN PRINCIPLES by the muzxies to suit their convenience.

Anonymous said...

Well said shiva prasad.! I dont call islam a religion of peace. Islam main motto is to conquer the world. It believes in no humanity, either to convert or kill or love jihad.I never seen a arabic scientist or anything great in modern science. Islam teaches terrorism.Allah is God SHIVA they original followers of Shiva are shiates.Kaaba was GOD shiva temple which you don't accept.Prophet Mohammed made his own principles faked allah(god) spoke to him and made some verses as quran. mohammad was illiterate how could he remember all the verses and tell to Al-Bukhari.Mohammad was 57 married Ayesha 9 child marriage. Dont talk about islam.Do your islam at your place dont preach about islam to kafirs.we dont believe your islam.

Anonymous said...

i will buy it if and ONLY if allah does the escorting.

Unknown said...

THe above statement is completely wrong and islam is a religious of peace and some people misunderstood it and if you read the quran you will be able to know, as lot of proved things are said in advance before 1400 years ago and this may not be aware by mohammed at that time only except the creator is aware and what god wants from us dont workship idols or object , please workship the creator.


Anonymous said...

islam is not for todays generation. islam is not the religion of brotherhood or love and peace if any one tels that islam is the religion of brotherhood or love and peace then he is making us fool.

Unknown said...

Aby bhosdike... It was quoted in context from war field... Gaandu saale

Unknown said...

violent? Yeah ri8
Does suit your mouth
Babri Mosque of Kashmir what happened to it? Remember
Peace there was person named Sultan Allaudin Khilji a hero who saved hindustan from mongols 5 times a time when the mongols were so powerful that even the Russian forces lost to them Allaudin Khilji protected Hindustan from Mongols
Mongols a race who were enemies of books where ever they attacked they destroyed books houses killed thousands of people if even 1 attack of Mongols had became successful all the people of south Asia would've been dead the history would've been changed & u what did you give him in return u guys made a film like "Padmavat" to show him a murderer
Peace? Ri8
Visit Kashmir once and see what's happening there peace what a joke
& by the way im a Kashmiri who's ancestral house is in Sirinagr

Unknown said...

U dont believe dear because u know nothing if its so true what ur saying then why is Islam the 2nd largest religion of the world and Hinduism is not?

Unknown said...

1400 years ago Islam said that there are 7 more planets

Unknown said...

Islam is a complete code of life try to read quran once and yiu can see that it tells about every part of life how to live ur life

Unknown said...

hmm let me tell you there are 57 Islamic countries in the world
Either 1 of them says yes to Terrorism?
you were talking about Namaz,Quran? Read the translation of namaz see the translation of quran it doesn't teach us Terrorism but it teaches us brotherhood and the names of organizations like al qaida,talbaan,dayesh may say namaz may read quran but they are not Muslims tell me the name of 1 Muslim country thay speaks in favour of al qaida and others we Muslims ourselves hate al qaida etc

Anonymous said...

So i too will buy it if jesus escorted me? Is that what you mean?.. My my, I feel pitybfor your parents

Anonymous said...

I beleive that all the people who have commented bad in the religion of Islam have only read the two verses only and not the Qur'an as a whole, so if you always say that why the terrorist, then why the catholic priest here in our country raped a young girl? Huh? Answer me that