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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Here I go again..

Salaam to all. I'm writing again after a considerable amount of break. Well, this year has been good as well as exciting and eventful for me. Alhamdulillah. I got married :) and I am now staying in Malaysia, a Muslim country. I just wanted to share my thoughts, opinions and learning that I come across while I stay here.

One of the things I love about Malaysia is that I can get Halal food almost wherever I go. Well, not to mention that my husband has started complaining of me gaining a couple of pounds here and there *giggles*. It is only just that we get a good supply of Halal food here as the population of Muslims is really huge. Due importance and respect is given to other religions as well.

There's alot of importance given to prayer. I see many men rushing to the nearby mosques once the Azan is heard. Oh, and you spot Surau(a proper place designated just for prayer) almost in every instituion/commercial building. Each mosque is located at a stone's throwaway distance apart. The culture here is such that people usually pray. Hence, we can spot water facilities and Muslim friendly practices in common washrooms.

While having a conversation with my husband on the education system in Malaysia, I was suprised to know that kids are taught to practice the Sunnah way of living from schools. Alot of the Sunnah manners that I read in the net or from books, folks here already know.Whether thay practice it or not, depends on the individual.

I don't go out that often and I, for now, am a stay home wife. But these are all that I have come across. My parents in law are performing their Haj right now. And I request all readers to kindly doa for their safe return and for their pilgrimage to be accepted by Allah s.w.t. May the Almighty bless them with the due rewards.


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