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Friday, June 13, 2008

8 Qns about Zikr (Remembrance of Allah)

and Zikrullah is the greatest thing in life without doubt - Al-Ankabut, 29:45

The following article has been published in The Muslim Reader (vol.26) which is published by Darul Arqam Singapore. The following questions have been answered by Ustaz Syed Esa Alkaff & Haji Mustafa Kadir


  • What is Zikr?

Haji Mustafa (MK): Zikr or Zikrullah is the remembrance of Allah(swt). It can be the recitation of the tongue, or of the heart that makes you remember and glorify Allah(swt). We can recite Zikr silently (sirr) in our own hearts.Or verbally, so softly with our tongues that only we could hear it. Zikr can be recited loudly (jahar) with or without rhythmic body movments, with the conditions that (1) the environemnt and situation permits and (2) without causing hindarance to oneself or others.

Ustaz Syed Esa Alkaff (SE) : Allah says, "O you who believe! Celebrate the praises of Allah, and do this often, and glorify Him morning and evening" (Al-Ahzab ,33:41-42).

  • Why should we recite Zikr?

MK: Man was created to serve Allah (SWT)."I have only created jinns and men, that they may serve Me" (Al-dhariyat,51:56). Constant Zikr strengthens faith, brightens the heart, destroys the ego, and develops the feelings of servitude to our Lord (Rabb). If a house is left empty, soon it will allow dusts, cobwebs, termites, rats and, depending on its environment, even poisonous snakes.Likewise, a heart that is left without remembrance (zikr) of Allah(SWT) opens itself to harmful thoughts and whispers of the evil ones.

SE: By Zikr, we show gratitude to the Almighty for the immeasurable bounty HE has given us.

  • What is the islamic commandment(Akham) for Zikr?

MK: Zikr is obligatory(wajib) in daily prayers. "Oh you who believe! When the call is heard for the prayer on the day of congregation, hasten earnestly to the Remembrance of Allah.."(Al-Jumu'ah,62:09).

SE:It is strongly recommended (sunnah)

  • What is the easiest Zikr to practise?

SE: The Kalimah ' Laa ilaaha illalah' (There is no God except Allah)

  • Is there a suitable time or place for Zikr?

Mk: The blessed ones remember Allah at all times. Rasullulah (SAW) said, "My eyes sleep, my heart doesn't sleep" (Malik's Muwatta,07:02:09). Some noted suitable times are (1)in the silent of night before dawn (2) after Fajar prayer till sunrise and (3) after Maghrib until Isha. "Truly the rising by the night is most potent for governing (the soul), and most suitable for (framing) the word (of Prayer and Praise)" (Al-Muzzamil, 73:06). It can also be done while walking, travelling in bus and (for some people) even while working.

SE: Zikr can be done anywhere

  • What are the benefits of zikr?

MK: There are far too many but to mention a few:

  1. It srengthens Faith (Iman)
  2. It brightens (Nur) the heart
  3. It earns Allah's pleasure
  4. it builds reliance (Tawakul) on Allah
  5. It strengthens body and mind

SE: The ultimate benefit for us is having peace of mind and heart.
  • What are the zikr that prophet muhammad(S.A.W) practised or encouraged?

Tawhid: Laa ilaaha illallaah (There is no God but Allah)
Tasbih: Subhanallah (Glory to Allah)
Thahmeed: Alhamdullilah (All praises belong to Allah)
Takbir: Allahu Akhbar (Allah is the Greatest)
Istighfar: Astagh firullaah al azheem (I seek forgiveness from Allah the Great)
Selawat: Allahumma salli alaa Muhammad wa alaa aali Muhammad (O Allah, shower your blessings on Muhammad(SAW) and on the family of Muhammad(SAW))

  • In times of difficulty, what can we recite to calm ourselves?

MK: "And Allah says 'Call on me: I will answer your prayer" (Ghafir,40:60). In times of difficulty, one may recite the following or any other familiar Zkr and plead with the feelings to Allah for his assistance:

  1. La ilaa ha illa anta sub hanaka inni kuntu minadzalimin ( there is no god but Thou:Glory to Thee I was indeed wrong! ) Al-anbiya,21:87
  2. Alhamdullilahi Rabbil Aalamin (All praises belong to Allah, the Lord of all worlds)
  3. Allahumumma Salli a'la muhammad(SAW) wa alaa ali muhammad (O Allah, shower your blessings on Muhammad(SAW) and on the family of Muhammad(SAW))
  4. Address your need to Allah and conclude with a salutation on the Prophet (SAW) again.

SE: In times of difficulty, a simple Zikr that we can recite is Ya Allah, it will calm us down (Insha Allah)
SE: Wallahu ' Alam (Allah Knows Best)

MK: The above are my humble views. Where the views are right, it is truly by the grace of Allah(SWT). Where the views are improper, it is due to my ignorance and i seek your forgiveness.


Zikr involves 3 steps:

  1. Our thoughts of Allah in our mind that lead to
  2. Our feelings for Allah in our heart that inspires
  3. Our utterance of praises to Allah that reminds us of HIM

Zikr also frees one from all the forms of anxiety, stress and grief.

Allah says, "Remember me and i will remember you" (Al-Baqarah, 02:152). "Those who believe and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah: for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction"(Al-Ra'd,13:28).

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