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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Dear Femme...

This is one of the most beautiful articles related to Islam that i have ever read. Masha Allah.The following is brought to you, courtesy of Irfana :)

Behind your colourful make up
Which you can remove
Lies a simple face

Which is given by Allah
With a beautiful fate
Dont let it fly like a feather
Dont let it be ruined with immodesty and unshamefulness
Allah destinied motherhood and beautiful marriages
for us femmes..

Which is the most beautiful things on earth

Catch your fate before it flies..

What you cant remove is the negative values you acquired unconciously

How are you going to erase it from the punishments in the Afterlife?

Behind your blow dried, soft hair
Are Angels praying for you
To cover your head from Syaitan's curse
Can you hear it?

Nothing is more beautiful than a Hijabi,my dear..
For Muslimah, who becomes a hijabi on with an open heart..
Allah will come to see you when you enter Paradise

MasyaAllah..No one can be as lucky..
Hijab is protection of the mind and soul.

Behind the fancy, immodest clothes you wear and admire
Lies the discomfort of the Angels
And the decent people around you

Angels who surround you for your safety
Angels who want to carry your duas to Allah but cant
due to your immodesty

Let us cover ourselves with dignity..
for Allah who made us
to dwell in love,tranquility and comfort..

Behind the liquor, premarital relations and illegal substances you consume
Lies the curse of Angels
who are dissapointed of your foolish act

Behind the immodesty you display with the males
Lies the unhappiness of Allah towards you, Nauzubillah

Let us not be in this curse anymore
Taubah is the best

Give your heart and fate to Allah

Give your tears of repentence to Him

Submit yourself to Allah
For Allah is Most Forgiving

Most Gentle, Most Kind

Let us be on His Path
Making Him Happy Always

For that is the best road
For unconditional happiness on earth and in the Afterlife.

Dear Femme
Dear Hijabi
Dear honourable Muslim Wife, Mothers and Daughters

For nothing is more beautiful in the world,than the Hayaa and shyness that you posess.
May Allah bless you,

For all the patience, gentleness and nobleness you display towards your family and Ummah
in simplicity, dignity, and values, in elegance.


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