Salaam brothers and sisters in Islam. Welcome to SimplyMuqmin. If you benefit from the content, please let others know about this blog and insyallah, more and more people would benefit. Most articles have been extracted from very reliable sources and thus, are of high credibility. Kindly inform me if there are any wrong info and if any,i apologise. Allah Knows Best. Jazagallahul Khair
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Tuesday, December 30, 2008
What can you do in a minute...
Praise be to Allah.
Time is of the essence, it is too precious to be wasted or neglected.
The wise person is the one who pays attention to his/her time and does
not treat it as a vessel to be filled with cheap things and vain talk.
Instead, he/she limits it to worthy efforts and righteous deeds that
please Allah and benefit other people. Every minute of a person's
life carries the potential to raise his/her own status and to make
his/her people happier, little by little.
If you are keen to attain the highest position, and bring the most
happiness to your people, then forget about relaxing and keep away
from empty amusement.
In one minute you can do a lot of good and earn much reward. In just
one minute, by giving in charity, studying, memorizing, or striving to
do good deeds, you can make sure that this minute of your life is not
wasted. One minute may be recorded in your book of good deeds if you
know how to make the most of it and take care of it:
Strive to make the most of each minute
If you forget it, you forget the most important thing, the truth.
There follows a list of things that can be done in one minute, by the
permission of Allah:
1. In one minute you can recite Soorat al-Faatihah 3 times, reciting
rapidly and silently. Some scholars said that the reward for reading
al-Faatihah is more than 600 hasanahs, so if you read it 3 times you
will, by the permission of Allaah, gain more than 1800 hasanahs - all
of that in one minute.
2. In one minute you can recite Soorat al-Ikhlaas (Qul Huwa Allaahu
Ahad) 20 times, reciting rapidly and silently. Reciting it once is
equivalent to one-third of the Qur'aan. If you read it 20 times it is
equivalent to reading the Qur'aan 7 times. If you read it 20 times in
one minute each day, you will have read it 600 times in one month, and
7200 times in one year, which will be equal in reward to reading the
Qur'aan 2400 times.
3. You can read one page of the Book of Allaah in one minute.
4. You can memorize a short aayah of the Book of Allaah in one minute.
5. In one minute you can say Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah wahdahu laa
shareeka lah, lahu'l-mulk wa lahu'l-hamd wa huwa 'ala kulli shay'in
qadeer (There is no god except Allaah alone with no partner; to Him be
dominion and praise, and He is Able to do all things) - 20 times. The
reward for saying this is like freeing 8 slaves for the sake of Allaah
from among the sons of Ismaa'eel.
6. In one minute you can say Subhaan Allaahi wa bi hamdihi (Glory and
praise be to Allaah) 100 times. Whoever says that in one day will be
forgiven for his sins even if they are like the foam of the sea.
7. In one minute you can say Subhaan Allaahi wa bi hamdihi Subhaan
Allaah il-'Azeem (Glory and praise be to Allaah, glory be to Allaah
the Almighty) 50 times. These are two phrases which are light on the
lips, heavy in the balance and beloved to the Most Merciful, as was
narrated by al-Bukhaari and Muslim.
8. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "When
I say 'Subhaan Allaah, wa'l-hamdu Lillah, wa laa ilaah ill-Allaah, wa
Allaahu akbar (Glory be to Allaah, praise be to Allaah, there is no
god except Allaah, and Allaah is Most Great)', this is more beloved to
me than all that the sun rises upon." (Narrated by Muslim). In one
minute, you can say all of these words more than 18 times. These words
are the most beloved words to Allaah, the best of words, and they
weigh heavily in the balance of good deeds, as was narrated in the
saheeh ahaadeeth.
9. In one minute you can say, Laa hawla wa laa quwwata illa Billaah
(there is no strength and no power except with Allaah) more than 40
times. This is one of the treasures of Paradise, as was narrated by
al-Bukhaari and Muslim. They are a means of putting up with
difficulties and of aiming to achieve great things.
10. In one minute you can say Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah approximately 50
times. This is the greatest word, for it is the word of Tawheed, the
good word, the word that stands firm. If these are the last words of a
person, he will enter Paradise, and there are other reports which
indicate how great these words are.
11. In one minute you can say Subhaan Allaah wa bi hamdih, 'adada
khalqihi, wa ridaa nafsihi, wazinata 'arshihi, wa midaada kalimaatihi
(Glory and praise be to Allaah, as much as the number of His creation,
as much as pleases Him, as much as the weight of His Throne and as
much as the ink of His words) more than 15 times. This words bring
many more times the reward for other forms of tasbeeh and dhikr, as
was reported in saheeh ahaadeeth from the Prophet (peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him).
12. In one minute you can seek the forgiveness of Allaah more than 100
times by saying "Astaghfir-Allaah (I seek the forgiveness of Allaah).
The virtues of seeking forgiveness are no secret, for it is the means
of attaining forgiveness and entering Paradise, and it is the means of
being granted a good life, increasing one's strength, warding off
disasters, making things easier, bringing rain and increasing one's
wealth and children.
13. You can say a few brief and concise words in one minute, and
Allaah may bring about some good through them that you could never
14. In one minute you can send blessings on the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) 50 times by saying Sall-Allaahu
'alayhi wa sallam (May Allaah bless him and grant him peace). In
return Allaah will send blessings upon you 500 hundred times because
one blessing brings ten like it.
15. In one minute you can motivate your heart to give thanks to
Allaah, to love Him, to fear Him, to put hope in Him, to long for Him,
and thus travel through the stages of 'uboodiyyah (total enslavement
to Allaah). You could do this when you are lying on your bed or
walking in the street.
16. In one minute you can read more than two pages of a useful book
that is easy to understand.
17. In one minute you can uphold the ties of kinship by calling a
relative on the phone.
18. You can raise your hands and recite any du'aa' you wish from the
books of du'aa', in one minute.
19. You can say salaams to and shake hands with a number of people in
one minute.
20. You can forbid an evil action in one minute.
21. You can enjoin something good in one minute.
22. You can offer sincere advice to a brother/sister in one minute.
23. You can console someone who is depressed in one minute.
24. You can remove something harmful from the road in one minute.
25. Making the most of one minute motivates you to make the most of
other periods that would otherwise be wasted.
Al-Shaafi'i (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: When people go to
sleep, I let my tears flow, and I recite a verse of the most eloquent
poetry. Is it not a waste that nights go by and I do not increase in knowledge, yet this time is counted as part of my life?
Finally, the more sincere you are towards Allaah and the more aware
you are of Him, the greater will be your reward and the more your
hasanaat will increase.
Note that most of these actions will not cost you anything; they do
not require tahaarah (purity) and they will not tire you out or take
much effort. On the contrary, you can do them whilst you are walking,
or in your car, or lying down, or standing, or sitting, or waiting for
These actions are also among the greatest means of attaining
happiness, expanding the chest (i.e., bringing relief and joy) and
removing stress and anxiety. May Allaah help us and you to do that
which He loves and which pleases Him. May Allaah bless our Prophet
Sunday, December 14, 2008
THE GREATER SIGNS OF THE HOUR The Quran will disappear in one night, even from the people's hearts, and no Ayyah will be left on earth. (Some groups of old people will be left who will say: "We heard of fathers' saying "LAILLAHA ILLA ALLAH" so we repeat it);
* The appearance of the MAHDI;
* The appearance of the DAJJAL (Anti Christ);
* The appearance of Ya'juj and Ma'juj(biblical Gog and Magog);
* Isa (Jesus) will come during the time of Dajjal;
* The rising of the sun from the west;
* The destruction of the Ka'ba and the recovery of its treasures;
* The smoke.
Friday, December 5, 2008
One of the readings that moved me alot
------Of...him and Us...
Assalammualaikum Dunia…
Peace World…
Ya Rasulullah, I was just reflecting, Ya Rasulullah…
When I saw his face, Ya Rasulullah, the serene Nur reflected on his face, I wondered how it would be like to see your face, Ya Rasulullah…
When I saw his smile, Ya Rasulullah, so sweet and peaceful, I wondered how it would be like to see your smile, Ya Rasulullah….
When I was in his presence, Ya Rasulullah, seated 5th row from the front in the aisle seat so as to see him better and focus my attention on him, I wondered what it would be like to be in your presence, Ya Rasulullah…
When I heard him speak, Ya Rasulullah, his words and style so fluent and captivating, I wondered how it would be like to hear you speak, Ya Rasulullah…
When I saw him jokingly pretending to bite the guy who was trying to pin the microphone on his lapel, Ya Rasulullah, I laughed and wondered if that was perhaps how it was like when you jokingly told the old lady that the old does not enter heaven, Ya Rasulullah…
When I saw how he treated the man who almost knelt in front of him to offer his baiah, Ya Rasulullah, I wondered what it would be like to offer my baiah to you, Ya Rasulullah…
When I saw him approaching me at the aisle, Ya Rasulullah, touching the heads of the congregation who wanted to be blessed by him, and he touched my head as I lowered my head out of respect to him, I wondered, Ya Rasulullah, what it would be like to have my head touched by you, Ya Rasulullah …
When I reflect on the reverence that was showered on him, Ya Rasulullah, I understood then the reasons why the Ummah during your time was prepared to die for you, Ya Rasulullah.
Because, Ya Rasulullah, even I would die for you too.
And I am already dying many small deaths every day today, torn between so many and amongst them, yes, my love for you…
If he could be so loved, Ya Rasulullah, his very cup used afterwards to drink from by so many, his picture taken, his words recorded, his blessings sought, his spiritual leadership honoured, then all the more YOU are more deserving of all these, Ya Rasulullah.
Afterall, he is only your mere descendent.
Whilst you, Ya Rasulullah, was the most perfect man who has ever walked the face of this Earth.
You have came and gone…and yet, so many are still talking about you although much have already been said about you.
And some of us, Ya Rasulullah, are endeavoring to carry your torch of Truth, your mantle of Ihsan and your standard of Islam.
We are trying and struggling, Ya Rasulullah…and we keep falling and standing, just so to be in your sweet presence one day, Ya Rasulullah.
Would you be pleased with us, Ya Rasulullah?
Would you acknowledge us as part of Your Ummah, deserving of Your attention, what more Your Syafaah?
Ya Allah, Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim, we are not the best of Your servants. Our ibadah is not as good as even Your Rasul’s weakest and furthest companions nor Your Rasul’s weakest and furthest heirs, Ya Rahman. Our faults are so many, we can only ask for Your Forgiveness and Compassion to grant us the guidance and strength to overcome them, Ya Rahim.
Still, Ya Allah, Ya Rabb, Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim, we love Your Rasul who has taught us Islam and to be Your grateful servants. We adore him who taught us exemplary character, he who You have sent down as the best of examples, the perfection of character and the reason You have created all the worlds. We strive to emulate him in our daily lives. We strive to follow his teachings and submit ourselves to You.
And, as You have said in Your Noble Qur’an, Ya Allah, obey Allah and obey Rasul, love Allah and love Rasul and as Your Rasul has also said, Ya Rabb, that we will be with the one we love in the hereafter, grant us, Ya Rahman, our meeting with our beloved, our meeting with Your Beloved.
Ya Allah, my tears have not dried, my heart has not been unburdened and my soul has not found peace.
Yet, Ya Rahman, I am thankful for these beautiful reminders You have blessed me with, this Love You have surrounded me with, this Knowledge You have bestowed me with, this Life You have granted me with…and all Your many other blessings You have allowed me to taste.
Let not my tears dry, Ya Rahim, never to dry so that I will always be able to express myself through them.
Let not my heart be hardened, Ya Rahim, always to soften at the remembrance of You, always to feel the burden of my sins so as to remind myself of my humble state so that I can subdue my ego and tame my pride.
Let not my soul find peace in this Life, Ya Rahim, always in a state of lacking and wanting so that I can continue to endeavor to seek peace in Your everlasting hereafter.
And please, Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim, grant this Love, this Taufiq, this Hidayah, this blessing, this joy to all around me; my family and friends, my acquaintances and foes and many others.
Should the reward for all the heartaches, the anguish, the turmoil, the challenges, the tests, the dissonance, the burdens, the heaviness, the pains of my Life be this, Ya Allah, Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim, then I am most thankful and grateful for them.
Because, Ya Allah, Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim, this taste of a drop of purest, clearest, sweetest and most nourishing water is definitely WORTH my furthest wanderings in the most scorching, unrelenting, punishing and treacherous deserts of the hearts.
Masya'Allah...the sweetness of Iman...
If I could do it all over again, I would do all these…and more.
Shaaban has been most blessed.
The blessings of Ramadhan await.
Ya Allah, shower Your blessings on Your Prophet, Muhammad (s.a.w), his family and companions, the companions of those companions and all those who have strived in the path of Islam then and now.
May Allah bless, guide and protect us always.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
General post :)
They say that when the dead awake on Qayaamat, the effect of the rooh being taken out will still be there.
Therefore, ALLAH has told us to recite the Ayatul Kursi after any Farz salaat and it is stated that whoever recites this, their rooh will be taken out as you would take out a strand of hair from a pile of flour. How light would that feel, MashaAllah!
May Allah save us from any sort of pain and may He let us die with Imaan in our hearts and save us from the azaab.
There is no word as beautiful as Allah.
No example as beautiful as Rasulallah (SAW),
No lesson as beautiful as Islam
No song as melodious as Azan.
No charity as meaningful as Zakat.
No encyclopaedia as perfect as Al Quran.
No prayer as perfect as Namaz.
No diet as perfect as fasting.
No journey as perfect as Hajj.
Let's realize that Islam is for ever beautiful and perfect, please forward this message to get the sawaab of passing on knowledge.
Allahumma- inni- ala-Zikr-ika-wa Shuk-rika wa husni-ibad-atika.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Haul Imam Al-Haddad on 1&2 Nov 2008
Masjid Baitul Aman Kuala Lumpur and the Al-Hadad family are organising the Haul of the great Imam Abdallah Al-Haddad. “Haul” is the Arabic word for what is known as ‘anniversary commemoration’.
The Messenger of God, salallahu alaihi wasallam, prophesied that in every century Allah would raise up amongst his nation a man who would renew its religion. Imam ‘Abdallah al-Haddad was the renewer, or Mujaddid, of the 12th Islamic century. He was renowned, and deser vedly so, for the breadth of his knowledge and his manifest sanctity. The profundity of his influence on Muslims is reflected by the fact his books are still in print throughout the Islamic world. He was born in Tarim, in the hills of Hadramaut, one of the southerly regi ons of the Arabian peninsula, and grew up in an environment where the accent was upon piety, frugality, erudition, and an uncompromising thirst for gnosis (ma’rifa). His lineage is traced back to the Prophet, salallahu alaihi wasallam, through Imam al-Husayn. is organising a wisata or travel to Kuala Lumpur to participate in the Haul (see programme below). We are leaving Singapore on Saturday 1 November 2008, at 7 am and we shall return to Singapore on Sunday 2 November 2008 (9 pm). Fee is only $60 per person - the fee includes transportation, 1 night accommodation at Sucasa Apartments and insurance (meals are not included). The fee is heavily subsidised. Details:
Date & Time of Departure: Saturday 1 November 2008, 7 am
Point of Departure: Eunos MRT Station
Fee: $60 per person (subsidised)
Inclusive: Transportation (coach bus), 1-night Accommodation at Sucasa Apartments & Insurance
Other Details: Meals not included
Return Date & Time: Sunday 2 November 2008, 9 to 10 pm
Saturday 1 November 2008
7 am - Depart for Kuala Lumpur (Meet @ Eunos MRT)
4 pm - Haul of Imam Abdullah Al-Haddad at Masjid Baitul Aman (KL)
9 pm - Back to Sucasa Apts
Sunday 2 November 2008
10 am - Session with Shaykh Afeefuddin Al-Gaylani (Tazkirah & Dhikrullah)
12 pm - Maulid/Hadrah @ Shah Alam (men only)
- women free and easy @ Shah Alam
4 pm - Depart for Singapore (expected SIN arrival 9-10 pm)
For enquiries, please call Sis Saira Elley at 65474407 or Mohamed Nassir at 90703200.
Weekend Islamic School
 offers Islamic studies classes (weekend madrasah) for children and youths (ages 7 to 21). All our classes and programs are conducted in English.
Registration is now open for 2009 intake. Download the Brochure and our School Handbook 2008 to find out more about our exciting weekend Islamic school. Call Sis Saira to find out more at Tel 65474407. Registration details…
Age 7 to 21 years (Pri 1 to Tertiary level)
Class session 4 hrs each week
Subjects Qur’an, Hadith, Arabic Language, Faith & Practices, Islamic History, Life of Prophet Muhammad (s), Social Studies, Morals & Ethics, etc
Sessions available
Saturday or Sunday, 9 am to 1 pm (Primary to Secondary Levels)
Friday 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm (Tertiary Level - ITE, Poly, University)
School fee $50 per student/month.
To register, please bring along
[1] parent/guardian NRIC [2] student BC/NRIC
[3] registration fee ($10) [4] school fees x 2 months ($100 per student)
[5] book fees - differ from one level to another, call to enquire.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
What should you say when you hear the Azaan
1. Repeat what the Mu'aththin says, except for when he says:
Hayya 'alas-Salaah (hasten to the prayer) and Hayya 'alal-Falaah (hasten to salvation).
Here you should say:
Laa hawla wa laa quwwata 'illaa billaah.
There is no might and no power except by Allah. Reference: Al-Bukhari 1/152, Muslim 1/288.
2. Wa 'anaa 'ash-hadu 'an laa 'ilaaha 'illallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu wa 'anna Muhammadan 'abduhu wa Rasooluhu, radheetu billaahi Rabban, wa bi-Muhammadin Rasoolan wa bil'islaami deenan.
I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah alone, Who has no partner, and that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger. I am pleased with Allah as my Lord, with Muhammad as my Messenger and with Islam as my religion.1 [To be recited in Arabic after the Mu'aththin's Tashahhud or the words of affirmation of Faith] 2 Reference: 1 Muslim 1/290. 2Ibn Khuzaymah 1/220.
3. Allaahumma Rabba haathihid-da 'watit-taammati wassalaatil-qaa'imati, 'aati Muhammadanil-waseelata walfadheelata, wab 'ath-hu maqaamam-mahmoodanil-lathee wa'adtahu, ['innaka laa tukhliful-mee'aad]
After replying to the call of Mu'aththin. you should recite in Arabic Allah's blessings on the Prophet.
O Allah, Lord of this perfect call and established prayer. Grant Muhammad the intercession and favor, and raise him to the honored station You have promised him, [verily You do not neglect promises]. Reference: Al-Bukhari 1/152, and the addition between brackets is from Al-Bayhaqi 1/410 with a good (Hasan) chain of narration. See 'Abdul-Azlz bin Baz's Tuhfatul-'Akhyar, pg. 38.
Between the call to prayer and the 'Iqamah, you should supplicate Allah for yourself. Invocation during this time is not rejected.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Help the Girls!!
I went shopping today at Geylang, went to visit the Ramadan bazaar. Being a Saturday night, i obviously need not go into details on the crowd that was there. Now you might be wondering what upset me at shopping. Let me tell you..
I bumped into many girls today at Geylang. If i were to place the hijab clad ladies and the skimpily clad ladies, i am definate that the scale which holds the latter if far heavier then the former. Such girls are very common in Singapore..even muslim girls. Be it other months, i wonder if it would have hurt me this much.It didnt actually. i dont know why. But when i see them during Ramadan,wearing short mini skirts, sleeveless tops, hugging their men shamelessly in public i would just give them a rude stare. My simplest effort to remind them that what they are doing would be shunned by Allah s.w.t and the rasool s.a.w. Deep within, i would tell myself ' Oh Allah..Please help them change.' And thats it, i wouldnt think about that for another second more. But i guess today, i just went abit too overboard? mm...maybe
Today when i saw such girls, i felt a deep pain in me..i dont know how to explain. It sort of sent shivers down my spine... there's only 1 think that came to my mind. Their sufferings in HELL. The torment of the Fire, their laughter today would turn into scream and shrieks of pain tomorrow. Though the number of girls wearing the hijab is increasing everyday, mashallah, i really hope i can help these group of girls who are blinded slaves of shaitan. I call them blinded, bcos i am very sure that they don't know what they are doing. They might think that 'yea, i know i should cover up.But if i dont, its ok.'. Why?
Ignorance! probably their parents didnt teach them islamic values? I dont know.. as for me, my mom left me to explore the religion at my own pace. She never once forced me to pray. She never once complained if i did any unislamic deed. Now and then she tells us random stories of Hadees. She is a very very pious woman herself. But surprisingly she never rushed us into embracing islam. Even the hijab, i embraced it myself. I don't know what made me reach further to God. I really dont know.Come to think of it now, i really dont know. I know of many friends whose parents are not at all pious but my friends are. Now, i wonder what makes someone reach further to Allah.
Coming back to the 'girls' ..I really feel i should do something to help them.To make them realise the beauty of Islam, the graciousness of Allah. Who can turn their back on such a beautiful religion. I dont might being scolded at. I dont mind being ridiculed. I dont mind being embarrased. I am Going to Do It For Allah.For Islam. its allah and islam that matters most to me. I dont feel angry about them anymore..just sad.
Everyone reading this, i sincerely feel its a joint effort. I cant change the world. I am just too small for the huge change that we have to make. Please do some thing for Allah,the Rasool and Islam. Do something and Insyallah, God wil reward you.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him & his progeny) Said:
The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him & his progeny) Said:
1) Four things that make your body sick:
a) Excessive talking
b) Excessive sleeping
c) Excessive eating and
d) Excessive meeting other people
2) Four things that destroys the body:
a) Worrying
b) Sorrow (Sadness/Grief)
c) Hunger
d) Sleeping late in the night
3) Four things that dry the face & take away its happiness:
a) Lying
b) Being disrespectful / impudent (insisting on something wrong knowingly)
c) Arguing without adequate knowledge & Information.
d) Excessive immorality (doing something wrong without fear).
4) Four things that increases the wetness of face & its happiness:
a) Piety
b) Loyalty
c) Generosity (being kind)
d) To be helpful to others without he/she asking for that.
5) Four things that stop the Rizq (Sustenance):
a) Sleeping in the morning (from Fajr to sunrise)
b) Not Performing Namaz or Ir-regular in Prayers
c) Laziness / Idleness
d) Treachery / Dishonesty
6) Four things that bring / increase the Rizq:
a) Staying up in the night for prayers.
b) Excessive Repentance
c) Regular Charity
d) Zikr (Remembrance of Allah / God).
The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him & his progeny), Also said to communicate to others even if you listen One Verse (Ayah) & this one verse will stand on the Day of Judgment for intercession.
The Holy Prophet (SAW) said, Stop doing everything during the Azaan, even reading the Quran, the person who talks during the Azaan will not be able to say the Kalima AShah ad a on his/her death bed....
Please pass this message to Muslims... READ THIS DUAA FOR BETTER LIFE Allahumma- inni- ala- Zikr-ika -wa Shuk-rika wa husni-ib ad -atika A very powerful Dua'a has been sent to you. What do you think you should do with it? Imagine if 1000 people read it just because of you.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Rewards for Women in Islam
- A single pious, practicing woman is equal to 70 saints (aulia ekraam )
- A single bad (evil) woman is equal to 1000 bad men
- Two rakaats namaaz of an aalimah woman are better than 80 rakaats of ordinary women
- A breastfeeding woman gets one good for each drop of milk that is fed to the child
- When a husband comes home full of worries and the wife extends warm welcome to him and consoles him; she receives the reward of half jihad
- A woman, who is deprived of sleep owing to her child crying at night, receives the sawaab of freeing 20 slaves
- When a husband and a wife look at each other with love and affection, Allah Paak himself looks at both of them with love and affection
- A woman who sends out her husband in the path of Allah and stays at home by herself, maintaining her honour and dignity ( i.e. protecting her against temptation and dishonesty) will enter jannat 500 years before her husband while 70,000 angels and hoors will serve her. She will be given ghusl in jannat and sitting nmountains of pearls, she will await the arrival of her husband
- A woman who is rendered restless owing to the illness of her baby and yet kept on striving to comfort the baby, Allah Talaah forgives all her sins and gives her thesawaab of 12 years accepted in ibaadat
- While milking her animal (cow, goats, ect), if a woman makes the zikr of bismillah, that every animal makes dua to Allah Taalah on her behalf
- When a woman makes the zikr of bismillah while preparing the dough (for roti), her livelihood is increased ( i.e .. she receives barakat in her rozi)
- When a woman makes zikar while sweeping, she receives the sawaab of sweeping baitullah
- A chaste woman who is mindful of namaaz and roza, also makes khidmat for her husband, for her all the 8 doors of jannat are opened. She may enter from whichever doors she likes
- The namaaz and ibaadat of a woman disobedient to her husband do not reach heaven
- Every night of an expectant mother (a woman who is carrying a baby in her womb) is counted as spent in ibaadat and every day as spent in fasting
- A woman receives the sawaab of 70 years of namaaz and roza on giving birth to one child and the pain she suffered in every vein of her body while giving birth, for that she will receive the sawaab of one hajj
- If a woman dies within 40 days after giving birth, Allah Taalah gives her the status of shahaadat ( i.e . she dies as a shaheed)
- Upon the child crying at night, if the mother feeds the child (gives milk to the child) without cursing, she receives the sawaab of performing namaaz for one year
- When a child finishes the period of breast-feeding, an angel comes and gives glad tidings (news) to the mother that Allah has made jannat wajib for her
- When the husband comes home to sleep and the wife gives him food to eat (not being involved in dishonesty with regard to herself and her husband's belongings), Allah Tallah gives her the sawaab of 12 years of ibaadat
- When the wife presses the legs of her husband without asking him, her to do so, she gets the sawaab of giving charity 7 ounce of GOLD, and if she presses his legs after he asks her to do so, she receives the sawaab of giving 7 ounces of SILVER in sadaqua
- When a woman's husband dies while he was happy and pleased with her, jannat becomes wajib for her
- A husband's teaching one masla to his wife is equal to 80 years ibaadat
- In jannat people will go to visit (see) Allah Taalah, but Allah Tallah himself will visit (to see) the woman who has observed PARDAH while in dunyah
- Woman who wears thin garment (transparent, see-through garment) or who arouses passion in men, or meet men they are not allowed to mix or move about openly while heavily made up or who live without pardah, will never enter jannat. In fact they will not even smell the fragrance of jannat
- A woman who has undergone a great amount of suffering and difficulties in this world will be classified with hazrat Aasia ( r.a). She was the wife of the firaun (pharaon) who despite the fact that she was his wife, tortured and persecuted her, to renounce Deen and Imaan. She gave her life in the process ( i.e. she died of the punishment inflicted to her), but did not forsake Imaan
- Every single woman going to hell will take four (4) jannati men. Because they did not fikr nor had they cared in duniya about the Deen and Imaan of that woman and did not teach her Deen, these four men will be:
· Her father
· Her brother
· Her husband & Her son
If woman glances at men she is not allowed to see according to the shariat, Allah Taalah sends his curse upon her, just as it is forbidden for a man to glance at women he is not allowed to see.
May Allah give every Muslim men & women HIDAYA to stand by Islamic Rules and keep far away from the sin.Inshallah
Prayer Times in Singapore
Below is the link to the prayer times in Singapore for the year 2008 (courtesy of MUIS). Click here for the link to that table.
Ahhhh!! so busy!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
Fiqh for Ramadhan - by Darul Arqam
A course in Fiqh that is exclusive to the month of Ramadhan, focusing on the aspects of Fasting, Zakat and the Ibadahs encouraged during this month. It is delivered over 4 sessions of 2 hours each.
Please click here for the course synopsis
Click here for the course availability
For more information please contac us at Tel: 6348 8344 ext 38, 39 or 35
Lecture by Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

Date: Sunday 24 August 2008
Time: 9 am to 1.30 pm
Venue: The Arab Association
Program: Lectures, Qasidah, Poetry Recitals
Lectures by: Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, Habib Hassan Al-Attas, Ustaz TM Fouzy, Ustaz Jalaludin Hassan, Ustaz Fahrurazi
Performances by: Haqqani Malaysia Ensemble, Jainul Abidin, Art Fazil, etc
About Shaykh Hisham Kabbani: Born into an eminent family of religious scholars in Beirut, Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Al-Kabbani is a world renowned Muslim scholar, author, and lecturer. He is Chairman of the Islamic Supreme Council of America. His mission is to spread the peaceful and beautiful Islamic teachings of the brotherhood of mankind and the Unity of belief in Allah. His arduous spiritual training of 40 years has endowed him with the sublime qualities of wisdom, light, intellect, and compassion. [Click here] for a detailed biodata of Shaykh Hisham Kabbani.
Islamic Way of Life
Source: WAMY-Series on Islam No.1
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
12 Foods of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)
- Barley: Good in fever, while use in a soup form.
- Dates: The Prophet (SAW) said that a house without dates has no food. It should also be eaten at the time of childbirth.
- Figs: It is a fruit from paradise and a cure for piles.
- Grapes: The Prophet (SAW) was very fond of grapes - it purifies the blood, provides vigour and health, strengthens the kidneys and clears the bowels.
- Honey: Considered the best remedy for diarrhoea when mixed in hot water. It is the food of foods, drink of drinks and drug of drugs. It is used for creating appetite, strengthening the stomach, eliminating phlegm; as a meat preservative, hair conditioner, eye soother and mouthwash. It is extremely beneficial in the morning in warm water.
- Melon: The Prophet (SAW) said: 'None of your women who are pregnant and eat of water melon will fail to produce off spring that is good in countenance and good in character.'
- Milk: The Prophet (SAW) said that milk wipes away heat from the heart just as the finger wipes away sweat from the brow. It strengthens the back, improved the brain, renews vision and drives away forgetfulness..
- Mushroom: The Prophet (SAW) said that mushroom is a good cure for the eyes; it also serves as a form of birth control and arrests paralysis.
- Olive Oil: Excellent treatment for skin and hair, delays old age, and treats inflammation of the stomach.
- Pomegranate: The Prophet (SAW) said it cleanses you of Satan and evil aspirations for 40 days.
- Vinegar: A food Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to eat with olive oil. [That's now a fashion in elite Italian Restaurants]
- Water: The Prophet (SAW) said the best drink in this world is water, when you are thirsty drink it by sips and not gulps, gulping produces sickness of the liver.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
In the desolation of the Haj country, Divine Wisdom
Recently, i have felt the strong want to perform the Haj or at least step into the holy city and ----around the Ka'bah. I wonder if i am blessed enough for that to happen before i meet my lord. Insyallah, if he wills. I have heard stories about how some rich and very affluent are unable to execute their Haj pilgrimage though it was coupled with perfect and careful planning. It is all in his hands, really.
I came across the following article in The Muslim Reader (vol.26) which moved me a lot and only brought me closer to my vision. The article is written by a brother Salman W. Morrison.
Insyallah, I hope it touches your heart too :)
I had known that the country around the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah (being in the desert kingdom of Saudi Arabia) was somewhat barren, but the utter desolation of it took me by surprise on my first Haj in December 2007.
There were seemingly endless natural piles of rock – mostly in hillocks (whose size and ubiquity reminded me somewhat of the countryside around Seoul in South Korea). However, they weren’t all hillocks; barren peaks towered around the city of Makkah, including the one which contained the cave (and the miraculous cobweb and bird’s nest) of the Prophet Muhammad (s,a.w)’s escape, in the face of a death hunt from the city.
I travelled for hours by bus between Madinah and Makkah and saw nothing living in the landscape.
The ZamZam Spring
In most places there is no water. Even now, the water from bore-holes in Makkah is “hard”. In this context, the holy zamzam water takes on a special significance. The remarkable zamzam spring – it was uncovered by Ibrahim (alahu-salaam)‘s wife Hajar at the command of Allah(s.w.t)-under what was to become the Grand Mosque of MAkkah seems to increase in flow the greater the number of Hajis.
In the natural desolation of Makkah and Madinah was the Divine Wisdom of Allah: He made these cities the centre of Islam.
The big powers at the time of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)-circa 600 CE – were the Byzantine and Persian Empires. They were also centres of culture in the world. The western part of Arabia, including Makkah and Madinah, was seen as a cultural backwater.
A Land with No Prize
If it had been suggested to any Persian or Byzantine general that he lead a military force to western Arabia, his first question would have been: Why? He would have pointed out that there was literally nothing along the way – often not even water – only hillocks of rock, behind any of which could be an enemy waiting in ambush. And when the invading force reached relatively poor (by human standards) Makkah or Madinah, there would be no prize, no booty. It would be prize of sorts for the “conquering “soldiers to slake their thirst.
So the region, including Madinah – and the Kabah which makes Makkah the qiblah of the Muslim world – was left alone by outside powers. The Kabah has remained protected up to now and Insha’Allah, it will stay invulnerable as long as there are pilgrims. (There was of course fierce domestic opposition to Islam, including fighting and battles. Rich spiritual lessons from the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)’s struggles, eventually victorious, make up much of the Holy Quran).
The reverse was also true about the relative material poverty of both holy cities. Who would have guessed that from this “backwater” region, the Muslims would emerge to conquer Arabia itself, the neighbouring countries, North Africa and Anatolia? That Persia would become an Islamic power. And that eventually the muslims would take the message of Islam to central Asia, India, China and Southeast Asia. The region around Makkah and Madinah was ideal in which to build a powerful movement relatively unmolested by outside powers.
Such is the divine wisdom of Allah. To me, this is inspirational. It tells me never to look at a situation from a wordly point of view, and that if Allah wants something to happen – no matter how impossible it may seem to us – it happens.
During the Haj period, there is no untaken sleeping space in Makkah. The space in a hotel measured and it fits 3 beds, then 3 will go in. My main impression of Makkah is that perhaps, up to 2.5million people praying in or around the floors of the Grand Mosque.
In the enormous crowd is the reason for this pilgrimage – the salaat and the connection with Allah (s.w.t.).The concentration upon this, and the crowds of Hajis entering and leaving the mosque, channels your spiritual efforts.
All pilgrims are dressed the same – simply – so that all appear to be on the poor side, whether they are the company boss or the worker from the factory floor. It occurred to me that, first, hardly because those Hajis clad simply in Ihram cloth, this was the closest I would come in this world to seeing a multitude as on judgement day (I may be right or wrong on this) and that, second we are all poor in God’s sight. Material wealth does not matter.
Personal Reflections on Haj
My lessons from the Haj are few but, to me, profound. One if humility – I am still learning this. Another is that I have previously regarded death and judgement day, while major turning points in my life, as distance … well, as distance I could make them. Now, suddenly, Allah was in my face to use modern parlance, and death- only God knows when we will leave this world – and judgement day were right up close. For all I know, they might begin to happen immediately.
Another source of knowledge and wisdom for me was discussions with the Singapore malay men in mine and other groups. Often I was asked where I was from and how it was that I , as the lone Caucasion, was in a Singapore group. My answer was that while I was from New Zealand, I was a Muslim from Singapore. Singapore is where I converted nearly 27 years ago and where I now live, so It is logical that I perform the Haj from here.
My Singapore group visited Madinah first. Ideally I would reverse the order, visiting Makkah first and then Madinah. This of course, simply depends on which tour you choose from the travel agency.
Why would I go to Makkah first? Because Madinah, at least when I visited there, had the normal amenities of the city. When I was in Madinah before the Haj – it was a shade less congested then Makkah, and my hotel had wonderful buffet meals of mainly Southeast Asian cuisine. However, because of the immense crowd waiting to visit both holy cities, the authorities have to spread the Hajis between them.
The Prophet’s (s.a.w) Mosque
Masjib Nabawie, the burial place of the Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w) in Madinah is awe –inspiring. The Masjid is beautiful. And its main floor is so large that, depending on which door you exit the masjid from, you will be in a different part of the surrounding city. Masjid Qiblatain, a short bus ride away, is where God told the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) to pray towards Makkah, not Jerusallem.
To me, to visit Madinah after Makkah is almost a reward. In Makkah one performs salaat, the also the circumambulation of the Kabah and the longer walk –and-run of the Sai-ee honouring Hajar’s search for water for herself and her baby, Ishmael(AS), the progenitor of the Arab people. In Madinah, there is salat, in Masjid Nabawie, if one is staying in the centre of the city.
The Burial Ground of Islamic Soldiers
An eye-opener for me, as a westerner, was the historic battles site we visited in Makkah and Madinah. In a western setting, it is customary to encounter a monument honouring the fallen and a manicured area at suche a commemorative site containing the graves, among which visitors walk. In the holy cities, there was of course plenty of information about the historic battles, the sites of which we looked at through iron railings around the perimeter. The sites themselves were bare brown earth, it being the burial ground of the Islamic soldiers and their foes.
The spectre of stampedes in the Haj was fresh in the memory, but there was much concrete being laid all the time to prevent such accidents. My impression is that every facility that is deemed to require a bigger space for millions of Hajis is being expanded. Renovative construction work was being carried out down one side of the Grand Mosque in Makkah and at the pits where one stones Shaytan.
The stoning of Shaytan pits have been transformed. The first of the three ‘stoning pits’ is capacious; before it was rebuilt, said one Haji who remembered, the throwing area was small compared to the present installation. From the outside now, the first well looks like the intersection of the highway flyovers, beneath which is the stoning well. My main impression of the pit and the area around is of space – lots of it – though nearly 3 million people in a continuous stream are casting stones at Shaytan.
The other two stoning pits are an example of the wealth and effort being made in expansion efforts. Both pits are at one mammoth installation at which work is continuing. At present, only one floor(the ground) is in operation. But it handles the crowd without any seeming risk to harm anyone, Inshallah.
The second floor looks like a flyover under construction, but I was told that only pedestrians will go up on the broad elevated walkway into the second floor, which is probably as spacious as the one beneath it. This installation, on which no concrete is being spared, clearly is being built for years to come.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Upcoming Talks ...
No registration is required and the lectures are open to all. Usually, its on a first come first serve basis and the crowd is owewhelming, alhamdullilah. :)
Click on the link below to get a brief intro of Uztaz Khalid Moore
Wednesday 2 July
Pre-Prayers talk
The Place of Ihsan
@Masjid Hj Md Salleh ( Maqam Habib Nuh)
Palmer road
note: Nearest Mrt Station -> Tanjong Pagar
Thursday 3 July
Ratib & Lecture
The Remembrance of Allah
Time:7 p.m@Masjid Ba'alwie
2 Lewis Road
note: Nearest Mrt Station -> Novena
Friday 4 July
Pre Prayers Talk
Awakening The Heart
Time: 12.30p.m @ Masjid Sultan
3 Muscat St.
A Rose in the Desert, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)
Friday 4 July 2008
Time: 8p.m. @ Singapore Post Auditorium
10 Eunos Rd 8,
Singapore Post Ctr
Opp. Paya Lebar MRT station.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
SimplyIslam Lecture
Maulid & Lectures
Topic: Seeking Closeness to Allah & His Messenger (s.a.w.)
Time: 11am-1pm @ Masjid Al-Istighfar, 2 Pasir Ris Walk.
By Shaykh Khalil Moore
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I wonder...
If Prophet Muhammad visited you just for a day or two,If he came unexpectedly,I wonder what you would do?
Oh I know you would give your nicest room, To such an honored guest,And you would serve him your very best.
You would be the very best,
Cause you're glad to have him there,
That serving him in your home
Would be a joy without compare.
But...when you see him coming,
Would you meet him at the door
With your arms outstretched in welcome,
To your visitor?
Or...would you have to change your clothes
before you let him in?Or hide some magazines
and putThe Qur'an where they had been?
Would you still watch those movies,
Or your T.V. set?
Or would you switch it off,
Before he gets upset.
Would you turn off the radio,
And hope he had not heard?
And wish that you did not utter
your last loud hasty word?
Would you hide your worldly music,
And instead take out Hadith books?
Could you let him walk right in,
Or would you rush about?
And I wonder...
if the Prophet (saw) spent, a day or two with you,
Would you go on doing the things you always do?
Would you go right on and say the things You always say?
Would life for you continueAs it does from day to day?
Would your family conversations,Keep up their usual pace?
And would you find it hard each meal,To say a table grace?
Would you keep up each and every prayer?
Without putting on a frown?
And would you always jump up early,For Fajr at dawn?
Would you sing the songs you always sing?
And read the book you read?
And let him know the things on which,Your mind and spirit feed?
Would you take the Prophet with you,
Everywhere you plan to go?
Or, would you maybe change your plans,
Just for a day or so?
Would you be glad to have him meet,
Your very closest friends?
Or, would you hope they stay away,
Until his visit ends?
Would you be glad to have him stay,
Forever on and on?
Or would you sigh with great relief,
When he at last was gone?
It might be interesting to know,The things that you would do.If Prophet Muhammad came,To spend some time with you.
It would be best if we lead our lives everday as though Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) is watching over us. Insyallah.
Al-Asma-ul-Husna (99 Names of Allah/God)
This video will help you to get the pronounciations right....
About Asma -Ul-Husna ( The beautiful names of Allah)
"Allah is He, other than Whom there is no other god;Who knows both what is hidden and what can be witnessed;He is the Most Compassionate and Merciful.Allah is He, other than Whom there is no other god;the Sovereign, the One, the Source of Peace,the Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Security,the Exalted, the Compelling, the Supreme.Glory be to God, beyond any associations.He is Allah, the Creator, the Evolver, the Bestower of Form.To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names:Whatever exists in heaven and earth declares His Praise and Glory.And He is Exalted in Power, the Wise."
Al Hashr 59:22, tr. Helminski
The God. The only one Almighty. He alone is worthy of worship.
The Originator. He who creates all creatures initially without matter or model.
The Just. He who is Equitable.
The Enricher. The Sufficer.
The Last.
The Guardian. He who watches over and protects all things. (Helper in Peril)
The Pardoner. He who pardons all who sincerely repents.
The Appraiser. He who knows the number of every single thing in existence, even to infinity.
The Knower of All. He who has full knowledge of all things.
The Restorer. He who recreates His creatures after He has annihilated them.
The One. The only one.
The Bestower of Honors. He who confers honor and dignity.
The First.
The Responder to Prayer. He who grants the wishes who appeals to him.
The Mighty & Strong.
The Nourisher. He who gives every creature it's sustenance.
The Magnificent. The Most High. He who is Most Splendid.
The Expediter. He who brings forward whatever He wills (Forewarner).
The Incomparable. He who is without model or match, and who brings into being worlds of amazing wonder.
The Equitable One. He who does everything with proper balance and harmony.
The Resurrector. He who brings the dead to life, and raises them from their tombs.
The Creator of All Power. He who disposes at His will even of the strongest and mightiest of His creatures.
The Everlasting One. Eternal (in the future).
The Taker of Life. He who creates the death of a living creature.
The Maker of Order (Skilled Worker). O Evolver who created all things so that each whole and its parts are in perfect conformity and harmony.
The Avenger. He who justly inflicts upon wrongdoers the punishment they deserve.
Source of all Goodness. He who treats His servants tolerantly, and whose goodness and kindness are very great indeed.
The Shaper of Beauty. He who designs all things, giving each its particular form and character (Sculptor).
The All-Seeing. To those who invoke this Name one hundred times between the obligatory and customary prayers in Friday congregation, Allah grants esteem in the eyes of others.
The Supreme One. He is exalted in every respect, far beyond anything the mind could possibly attribute to His creatures.
The Reliever (Uncloser). He who releases, letting things expand.
The Majestic. He who demonstrates His greatness in all things and in all ways.
The Hidden One. He who is hidden, concealed.
The Humiliator. He who degrades and abases.
The Distresser The Creator of the Harmful. He who creates things that cause pain and injury.
The Creator of Good. He who creates things that yields advantages and benefit.
The Opener. He who opens the solution to all problems and makes things easy.
The Light. He who gives light to all the worlds, who illuminates the faces, minds and hearts of His servants.
The Forgiving. He who is always ready to forgive.
The Constrictor. He who constricts and restricts.
The Forgiver and Hides Faults.
The All Powerful. He who is Able to do what He wills as He wills (Providence).
The Rich one. He who is infinitely rich and completely Independent.
The Subduer. He who dominates all things, and prevails upon them to do whatever He wills (Dominant).
The Guide. He who provides guidance.
The Most Strong.The Possessor of All Strength.
The Preserver. He who guards all creatures in every detail.
The Self-Existing One. He who maintains the heavens, the earth, and everything that exists.
The Ever Living One. The living who knows all things and whose strength is sufficient for everything.
The Pure One. He who is free from all errors.
The Perfectly Wise. He whose every command and action is pure wisdom.
The Exalter. He who raises up.
The Judge. He who judges and makes right prevails.
The All Compassionate. He who acts with extreme kindness.
The Highest. The Exalted.
The All Merciful. He who wills goodness and mercy for all His creatures.
The Forbearing. He who is Most Clement.
The Watchful One.
The Praisedworthy. All praise belongs to Him, and who alone do the tongues of all creation laud.
The Righteous Teacher. He who moves all things in accordance with His eternal plan, bringing them without error and with order and wisdom to their ultimate destiny (Unerring).
The Truth. He who’s being endures unchangingly.
The Kind. He who is very compassionate (Indulgent).
The Accounter. He who knows every details.
The Sustainer. He who provides all things useful to His creatures.
The Compelling. He who repairs all broken thing, and completes that which is incomplete.
The Patient One. He who is characterized by infinite patience.
The Glorious. He who is Lord of Majesty and Grandeur.
The Source of Peace. He who frees His servants from all danger.
The Gatherer. He who brings together what He wills, when He wills, where He wills.
The Eternal. He who is the only recourse for the ending of need and the removal of affliction.
The Greatest. He who supremely great.
The Hearer of All. Allah takes care of all the needs of those who invoke this glorious Name one hundred times.
The Generous. He whose generosity is most abundant.
The Witness. He who is present everywhere and observes all things.
The All Aware. He who has the knowledge of inner & most secret aspects of all things.
The Rewarder of Thankfulness. He who gratefully rewards good deeds (Appreciator).
The Abaser. He who brings down, diminishes.
The Acceptor to Repentance. He who is ever ready to accept repentance and to forgive sins (Relenting).
The Creator. He who brings from non-being into being, creating all things in such a way that He determines their existence and the conditions and events they are to experience.
The Trustee / Guardian. He who manages the affairs of those who duly commit them to His charge, and who looks after them better than they could themselves.
The Subtle One. He who knows the minutest subtleties of all things.
The Protecting Friend. He who is a nearest friend to His good servants.
The Majestic One. He whose glory is most great and most high.
The Giver of All. He who constantly bestows blessings of every kind.
The Glorious. He, whose dignity and glory are most great, and whose generosity and munificence are bountiful.
The Unique. He who is Single, absolutely without partner or equal in His Essence, Attributes, Actions, Names and Decrees.
The Absolute Ruler. The Ruler of the entire universe (King of Kings).
The Finder. He who finds what He wishes when He wishes (Perceiving).
The Owner of All. The King of the Kingdom.
The Loving One. He who loves His good servants, and bestows his compassion upon them.
The Preventer of Harm. The Withholder.
The Governor. The Protecting Friend. He who administers this vast universe and all its passing phenomena.
The Inspirer of Faith. He who awakes the light of faith in our hearts.
The All Comprehending. He who has limitless capacity and abundance.
The Firm. He who is very steadfast.
The Inheritor of All. He who is the Real Owner of all riches.
The Giver of Life. He who confers life, gives vitality, revives.
The Manifest One. He who is Evident.
The Delayer. He who sets back or delays whatever He wills.
The Lord of Majesty and Bounty. He who possesses both greatness and gracious magnanimity.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Upcoming In-House Talk - Ustaz Khalil Moore
Dear Friends,
The Education-Da'wah Division of Darul Arqam Singapore is organizing an In-House Talk by a renowned speaker from US, Ustaz Khalil Moore. Indeed, the speakers' knowledge and experience in the religious field promises to make the session an interesting learning venture.
The details of the lecture are as follows:
Date / Time: 27 June 2008 / 8.00pm
Event: In-House Talk
Topic: Journey of A Seeker
Speaker: Ustaz Khalil Moore
Venue: Darul Arqam Auditorium
Please click the hyperlink for the speakers' profile & synopsis for your reference & perusal. Details of this talk could equally be found at Indeed, we hope that you can share this message with your friends as well.
For clarifications, please call us at tel. no. 63488344 ext. 35 or email to We look forward to your valued participation with the speaker.
Shukran. Wassalam.
Junaidi Ali
Education & Da'wah Division
Darul Arqam Singapore
32, Onan Road, The Galaxy,
Singapore 424484.
Friday, June 13, 2008
8 Qns about Zikr (Remembrance of Allah)
The following article has been published in The Muslim Reader (vol.26) which is published by Darul Arqam Singapore. The following questions have been answered by Ustaz Syed Esa Alkaff & Haji Mustafa Kadir
- What is Zikr?
Haji Mustafa (MK): Zikr or Zikrullah is the remembrance of Allah(swt). It can be the recitation of the tongue, or of the heart that makes you remember and glorify Allah(swt). We can recite Zikr silently (sirr) in our own hearts.Or verbally, so softly with our tongues that only we could hear it. Zikr can be recited loudly (jahar) with or without rhythmic body movments, with the conditions that (1) the environemnt and situation permits and (2) without causing hindarance to oneself or others.
Ustaz Syed Esa Alkaff (SE) : Allah says, "O you who believe! Celebrate the praises of Allah, and do this often, and glorify Him morning and evening" (Al-Ahzab ,33:41-42).
- Why should we recite Zikr?
MK: Man was created to serve Allah (SWT)."I have only created jinns and men, that they may serve Me" (Al-dhariyat,51:56). Constant Zikr strengthens faith, brightens the heart, destroys the ego, and develops the feelings of servitude to our Lord (Rabb). If a house is left empty, soon it will allow dusts, cobwebs, termites, rats and, depending on its environment, even poisonous snakes.Likewise, a heart that is left without remembrance (zikr) of Allah(SWT) opens itself to harmful thoughts and whispers of the evil ones.
SE: By Zikr, we show gratitude to the Almighty for the immeasurable bounty HE has given us.
- What is the islamic commandment(Akham) for Zikr?
MK: Zikr is obligatory(wajib) in daily prayers. "Oh you who believe! When the call is heard for the prayer on the day of congregation, hasten earnestly to the Remembrance of Allah.."(Al-Jumu'ah,62:09).
SE:It is strongly recommended (sunnah)
- What is the easiest Zikr to practise?
SE: The Kalimah ' Laa ilaaha illalah' (There is no God except Allah)
- Is there a suitable time or place for Zikr?
Mk: The blessed ones remember Allah at all times. Rasullulah (SAW) said, "My eyes sleep, my heart doesn't sleep" (Malik's Muwatta,07:02:09). Some noted suitable times are (1)in the silent of night before dawn (2) after Fajar prayer till sunrise and (3) after Maghrib until Isha. "Truly the rising by the night is most potent for governing (the soul), and most suitable for (framing) the word (of Prayer and Praise)" (Al-Muzzamil, 73:06). It can also be done while walking, travelling in bus and (for some people) even while working.
SE: Zikr can be done anywhere
- What are the benefits of zikr?
MK: There are far too many but to mention a few:
- It srengthens Faith (Iman)
- It brightens (Nur) the heart
- It earns Allah's pleasure
- it builds reliance (Tawakul) on Allah
- It strengthens body and mind
- What are the zikr that prophet muhammad(S.A.W) practised or encouraged?
Tawhid: Laa ilaaha illallaah (There is no God but Allah)
Tasbih: Subhanallah (Glory to Allah)
Thahmeed: Alhamdullilah (All praises belong to Allah)
Takbir: Allahu Akhbar (Allah is the Greatest)
Istighfar: Astagh firullaah al azheem (I seek forgiveness from Allah the Great)
Selawat: Allahumma salli alaa Muhammad wa alaa aali Muhammad (O Allah, shower your blessings on Muhammad(SAW) and on the family of Muhammad(SAW))
- In times of difficulty, what can we recite to calm ourselves?
MK: "And Allah says 'Call on me: I will answer your prayer" (Ghafir,40:60). In times of difficulty, one may recite the following or any other familiar Zkr and plead with the feelings to Allah for his assistance:
- La ilaa ha illa anta sub hanaka inni kuntu minadzalimin ( there is no god but Thou:Glory to Thee I was indeed wrong! ) Al-anbiya,21:87
- Alhamdullilahi Rabbil Aalamin (All praises belong to Allah, the Lord of all worlds)
- Allahumumma Salli a'la muhammad(SAW) wa alaa ali muhammad (O Allah, shower your blessings on Muhammad(SAW) and on the family of Muhammad(SAW))
- Address your need to Allah and conclude with a salutation on the Prophet (SAW) again.
SE: In times of difficulty, a simple Zikr that we can recite is Ya Allah, it will calm us down (Insha Allah)
SE: Wallahu ' Alam (Allah Knows Best)
MK: The above are my humble views. Where the views are right, it is truly by the grace of Allah(SWT). Where the views are improper, it is due to my ignorance and i seek your forgiveness.
Zikr involves 3 steps:
- Our thoughts of Allah in our mind that lead to
- Our feelings for Allah in our heart that inspires
- Our utterance of praises to Allah that reminds us of HIM
Zikr also frees one from all the forms of anxiety, stress and grief.
Allah says, "Remember me and i will remember you" (Al-Baqarah, 02:152). "Those who believe and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah: for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction"(Al-Ra'd,13:28).
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Heart talks...
In our cosmopolitan society, practically everything is westernized. So is our culture, our way of life and of course, our behavior.
Like once a sister told me, ‘it is so hard to live as a good muslim in the society today. There are so much of temptations to go astray. It is hard, but not impossible’. Very true indeed.
I am a normal muslim lady who accepts my faults and mistakes and look forward to change myself for the better through which, Inshallah, I would be a better muslim whom Allah s.w.t. loves. And frankly, it is not easy at all to ignore the abundant amount of alluring calls of syaitaan everywhere, all the time.
It takes strong faith and fear towards Allah s.w.t. and the life hereafter to constantly keep myself away from the evil. This would have never been possible without the proper guidance of my family and friends.
It hurts me sometimes when I see my fellow muslim friends not dressing up modestly. I wish they embrace the hijab whole heartedly which would bring only goodness to their mind, soul and conduct. I have always wanted to advise them on being modest, but never had the apt opportunity to do so. Insha allah, I would do it at the soonest. It is my duty as a friend and as a muslim to lead my friends.
Allah s.w.t. resides in the heart of a modest muslimah. Insha allah.
Unfortunately, on the other hand, I see muslim women who pray and adorn the hijab, but lie uncontrollably and live up a false front. Worse is that, they defend themselves by rationalizing that their lies don’t hurt anyone, so it is okay. NauzuBillah.
Inshallah, He allows them to realize their mistakes and allow them to change.
Dear Femme...
Behind your colourful make up
Which you can remove
Lies a simple face
Which is given by Allah
With a beautiful fate
Dont let it fly like a feather
Dont let it be ruined with immodesty and unshamefulness
Allah destinied motherhood and beautiful marriages
for us femmes..
Which is the most beautiful things on earth
Catch your fate before it flies..
What you cant remove is the negative values you acquired unconciously
How are you going to erase it from the punishments in the Afterlife?
Behind your blow dried, soft hair
Are Angels praying for you
To cover your head from Syaitan's curse
Can you hear it?
Nothing is more beautiful than a Hijabi,my dear..
For Muslimah, who becomes a hijabi on with an open heart..
Allah will come to see you when you enter Paradise
MasyaAllah..No one can be as lucky..
Hijab is protection of the mind and soul.
Behind the fancy, immodest clothes you wear and admire
Lies the discomfort of the Angels
And the decent people around you
Angels who surround you for your safety
Angels who want to carry your duas to Allah but cant
due to your immodesty
Let us cover ourselves with dignity..
for Allah who made us
to dwell in love,tranquility and comfort..
Behind the liquor, premarital relations and illegal substances you consume
Lies the curse of Angels
who are dissapointed of your foolish act
Behind the immodesty you display with the males
Lies the unhappiness of Allah towards you, Nauzubillah
Let us not be in this curse anymore
Taubah is the best
Give your heart and fate to Allah
Give your tears of repentence to Him
Submit yourself to Allah
For Allah is Most Forgiving
Most Gentle, Most Kind
Let us be on His Path
Making Him Happy Always
For that is the best road
For unconditional happiness on earth and in the Afterlife.
Dear Femme
Dear Hijabi
Dear honourable Muslim Wife, Mothers and Daughters
For nothing is more beautiful in the world,than the Hayaa and shyness that you posess.
May Allah bless you,
For all the patience, gentleness and nobleness you display towards your family and Ummah
in simplicity, dignity, and values, in elegance.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
For Sisters:Working from Home
HireMyMom is just a job board for moms who want to work from home, and all the jobs are posted by businesses who want to hire somebody to work from home. So it's like but much more specific.
Instead of posting their jobs online for everyone to see, HireMyMom emails them to you directly once you pay to subscribe. You pay them a fee because they screen out all the scam jobs and fake business schemes etc., so you can find a real job working from home. I've seen ads for lawyers, web designers, journalists, and all sorts of stuff.
It's $29.95 for 3 months or $99 a year. I hate to sound like a commercial. I promise I'm not on their advertising board. :) I just thought it was a good opportunity for legitimate work for women.
Jazak Allah khair!
Sister A.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Upcoming event - Spore
Please note there is a public lecture by Dr.Jeffrey Lang from USA. The topic would be 'A journey to Islam' at HBD hub (toa pa yoh) auditiorium basement on 10th May 2008 from 6p.m to 8p.m. Admission is free to all.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Amazing recitation of the Qur'an by a young child!
Mashallah, this kid's voice is just awesome. He's is blessed with such a beautiful voice and i simply cant get enough of it. It just emits peace throughout. Do turn on your speakers when u watch this. :)
History of Islam and The Prophet in a Nutshell
Hope this is of much use to you all.. :)
1. When was the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) born?
He was born on Monday, 9th Rabi Al Awwal, April 22nd, 571 AC.
2. Where was the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) born?
In Makkah
3. What is the name of the Prophet's father?
Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muttalib.
4. What is the name of the Prophet's mother?
Aminah Bint Wahhab Ibn Abd Manaf Ibn Zahrah.
5. When and where did his (prophet's) father die?
He died in Makkah before Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) was born.
6. What is the name of the Prophet's grandfather?
Abdul Muttalib.
7. What was his granfather's position?
He was the chief of his clan Bani Hashim.
8. What is the Prophet's (p.b.u.h.) lineage up to his fifth ancestor?
He is Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muttalib Ibn Hashim Ibn Abd Manaf Ibn Qusai Ibn Kilab.
9. Who suckled the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?
First Thuyeba, the freed slave girl of his uncle Abdul Uzza known as Abu Lahab, then Haleema Bint Abu Dhuaib, best known as Haleema Al Sadiyah.
10. Who named the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?
Abdul Muttalib.
11. What did Muhammad's (p.b.u.h.) mother name him?
12. Why did she (the Prophet's mother) choose this name?
Because she saw an angel in a dream calling the new-born baby Ahmad.
13. How old was Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) when his mother died?
Six years old.
14. Where did his mother take him?
She took him to Yathrib (Madinah) to visit her relatives.
15. Where did his mother die?
On her way back to Makkah, she died at Abwa and was buried there.
16. Who brought Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) back to Makkah?
His father's slave girl, Umm Aiman (May Allah be pleased with her).
17. Who took the charge of his care?
His grandfather Abdul Muttalib.
18. How long did The Prophet's grandfather take care of the Prophet Muhammad?
For two years.
19. How was his (Abdul Muttalib's) behavior with Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?
He loved him very much and preferred him to his own sons.
20. What did Abdul Muttalib foretell about his grandson?
That he would hold a prestigious position.
21. Who took care of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) after the death of Abdul Muttalib?
His uncle Abu Talib.
22. How old was Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) when his grandfather Abdul Muttalib died?
About eight years old.
23. When did Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) travel to Syria and with whom?
He went to Syria with his uncle Abu Talib when he was twelve years old.
24. Who was Khadijah (May Allah be pleased with her)?
She was a wealthy merchant of Makkah.
25. Why did she (Khadijah) want to marry Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?
Because of his truthfulness and good conduct.
26. When did she (Khadijah) marry Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?
When she was 40 years old.
27. How old was Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) at the time of the marriage?
He was 25.
28. What did he (the Prophet) give her (Khadijah) as Mahr (dowry)?
Twenty camels.
29. Was Khadijah (May Allah be pleased with her) a widow?
Yes. The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) was her third husband.
30. How was Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) known in the society?
He was known as Al Ameen (Truthful) and Al Sadiq (trustworthy).
31. Did he get any sort of education?
No, he was illiterate.
32. What should one say when the Prophet's (p.b.u.h.) name is mentioned?
Sallalahu - Alayhy - Wa Alayhy -Wasalaam(May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
33. How many times is the name of Muhammad mentioned in the Holy Quran?
Four times.
34. What are the names of the Prophet's (p.b.u.h.) uncles?
They are: Harith, Zubair, Abu Talib, Hamzah (May Allah be pleased with him), Abu Lahab, Ghidaq, Maqwam, Safar and Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him).
35. Did his uncle Abu Talib accept Islam?
No, he died a polytheist.
36. In the New Testament by what name was the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) mentioned?
By the name of Paraclete.
37. What is Kabah?
It is the oldest house of worship on the earth.
38. Who built it?
The Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismael (May Allah be pleased with them).
39. How did Quraish arrange rebuilding of Kabah?
They divided the work among various tribes. Each tribe was responsible for rebuilding a part of it.
40. Who laid the stones?
A Byzantine mason called Baqum.
41. Where did the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) go into seclusion?
To the Cave of Hira.
42. What was the fist stage of the revelation?
True dreams.
43. When did the first revelation come down to him?
On Monday, 21st of Ramadan, at night (August 10th, 610 AC). He was forty years then.
44. Who brought it?
45. Who were the first to embrace Islam?
Four persons: Khadijah his wife, Zaid Ibn Haritha his freed slave, Ali Ibn Abi Talib his cousin and Abu Bakr his friend (May Allah be pleased with them).
46. Who accepted Islam at the instance of Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him)?
Uthman Ibn Affan, Zubair Ibn Awwam, Abdur Rahman Ibn Awf, Sad Ibn Abi Waqqaas, Talha Ibn Ubaidullah and Saeed Ibn Zaid (Umar's son-in-law) (May Allah be pleased with them).
47. Who were the ladies to accept Islam at first?
Abbas's wife Ummaul Fadl, Abu Bakr's wife Asma Bint Umais, his daughter Asma Bint Abi Bakr and Fatimah Bint Al Khattab Umar's sister (May Allah be pleased with them).
48. How was the Dawah done in the beginning?
It was done in secret.
49. How many people embraced Islam in the early stage?
About forty.
50. How many years did the call in secret continue?
For three years.
51. During this period, where would the Muslims gather secretly?
They would gather secretly in the house of a Muslim called Arqam to learn about Islam and the revelations sent down to the Prophet (p.b.u.h.).
52. When did the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) start to preach Islam openly?
After three years when he received the revelation to that effect.
53. What was the impact of his public preaching?
The people accepted Islam increasingly.
54. What was the main miracle of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.)?
The Holy Quran.
55. Did the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) perform other miracles?
Yes, the splitting of the moon was one of them.
56. Who was Abu Jahl?
One of the Prophet's (p.b.u.h.) uncles.
57. Name some of the disbelievers of Makkah who supported the Prophet (p.b.u.h.), but did not embrace Islam until the end.
Abu Talib, Mutim Ibn Adi and Abul Bukhtari.
58. How long did Abu Talib protect the Prophet (p.b.u.h)?
For 42 years รข€“ from the Prophet's childhood until he himself died.
59. Who was Mutim Ibn Adi?
A chief of Makkah.
60. When did he (Mutim Ibn Adi) give protection to the Prophet (p.b.u.h.)?
When the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) returned from Taif and wanted to enter Makkah.
61. When did he (Mutim Ibn Adi) die?
He was killed in the Battle of Badr.
62. Who was Abul Bukhtari?
He was a poet.
63. How did he (Abul Bukhtari) support the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)?
He spoke out against the social boycott.
64. What lead the Muslims to emigrate to Abyssinia?
Their growing persecution at the hands of Quraish.
65. Which Surah lead to this emigration?
Surah Az Zumar.
66. When was Abul Bukhtari killed?
In the battle of Badr.
67. Who was then the King of Abyssinia?
The King of Abyssinia, known as Najjashi (the Negus), during the time of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) was As'hama.
68. When did the first group of Muslims leave for Abyssinia?
In Rajab, in the fifth year of Prophethood.
69. How many persons were there in the group?
12 men and 4 women.
70. How were the emigrants received in Abyssinia?
They were received warmly and hospitably.
71. When did the second group of emigrants leave for Abyssinia?
In the fifth year of Prophethood.
72. How many people formed the group?
83 men and 18 women.
73. Name a prominent companion included in this group.
Ja'far Ibn Abi Talib (May Allah be pleased with him).
74. What did Quraish do?
They despatched two envoys to Abyssinia to demand the extradition of the emigrants.
75. How did the King respond?
He refused to extradite the Muslims and assured them of his full protection.
76. When did Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) accept Islam?
At the age of 27.
77. Who was Bilal Ibn Rabah (May Allah be pleased with him)?
He was a slave of Umayyah Ibn Khalaf.
78. What was his (Bilal Ibn Rabah's) origin?
He was of Abyssinian decent.
79. What was the name of Bilal's mother?
80. Who was Yaser (May Allah be pleased with him)?
He was a slave of Abu Jahl.
81. Who was Sumayyah (May Allah be pleased with her)?
She was Yaser's (a slave of Abu Jahl) wife.
82. Who was Ammar (May Allah be pleased with him)?
He was Yaser and Sumayyah's only son.
83. How did Summaya (May Allah be pleased) die?
Abu Jahl murderded her with a bayonet.
84. Who was Zaid Ibn Haritha (May Allah be pleased with him)?
He was a slave.
85. Who purchased (in order to free) him (Zaid Ibn Haritha)?
Khadijah's nephew Hakim Ibn Hizam purchased him and presented him to her.
86. What did Khadijah do with Zaid Bin Haritha?
She presented him to the Prophet who set him free.
87. Did Zaid Bin Haritha want to go to his parents?
No, he preferred to live with the Prophet (p.b.u.h.).